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Hello! My name is Jillian Wu.

I’m a certified yoga teacher, personal trainer, and all-around lover of life.

I started my personal blog,, to share my health and wellness journey as I travel.

I was born and raised in Hawaii. When I finally left islands and started traveling the world, many people I meet ask why I wanted to leave such a paradise.

This came as a surprise to me. I’ve always wanted to see other parts of the world and know what life was like beyond the boundaries of the oceans that surrounded me. I used to dream about what life was like outside of the islands and didn’t know how to make it happen. Slowly, the dreams turned into options which led into opportunities and finally reality.

I finally made the move and began to travel. Along the way, I’ve met many people and learned a lot of new concepts that have changed the way I live my life. I have been in Asia for over six years and never looked back.

In this blog, I hope to share everything I know as I learn, in the most honest way possible.

I believe it’s important to take care and invest in yourself, both emotionally and physically.

If you’d like to meet the people that inspire me, click here to listen to my podcast.

To me, life should be lived simply and fully. I love the feeling of lightness that comes with truly letting go and living according to your life purpose.





I love discovering and creating things! To learn about my other projects, you can visit:

My Marketing Agency – Elephant Digital LLC –

My Personal Art Project – Studio Lani –

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Instagram @ aloha_jillian