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Yea, we all want to start working out again and our routine to be as fabulous as Beyoncé. And to all those Beyoncé haters out there *gasp*, you can replace Beyoncé with Solange. Pffff!

I don’t know about you, but I’ve personally gone through phases where my workouts have been superrrr irregular. Like the time I was motorbiking on a solo trip in northern Vietnam. Or when I was trying to make the move out of China after residency there for half a decade. In the real world, life happens.

Expect the Unexpected

We can never predict unexpected times and transitions in life, whether it’s bringing Mr. Whiskers to the vet, recovering from a really bad hangover (no, you’re not getting old!), going on the road for a few months or moving apartments.

Then we get to the point were we want to know how to start working out again. The key to being fit is staying consistent, but there’s no point in beating yourself up about going on a hiatus, is there?

In this process, we’ll be addressing a lot of baggage that holds us back from getting fit again and create a 14 Day FUN plan together get back in the swing of things.

Conversations with My Inner Ringmaster

The other day I ran into a girlfriend who was in the process of starting up a regular workout routine again. She started a few training programs a few months ago but was frustrated because the trainer (but he had dreamy green eyes!) and exercises (burpee overload, anyone?) didn’t suit her. And on top of it all, she wasn’t getting the results she wanted.

Whenever we start new workouts (or rather, any kind of routine commitment), we often have this inner ringmaster that causes us to set the bar too high. Beware of this inner ringmaster! This ringmaster means well but keeps on making you jump through glittery fire hoops. Before we get the fully chance to truly enjoy the process, we lose all morale and give up.

The Inner Ringmaster Says: I’ll wake up at the crack of dawn every morning in my brand new workout clothes like a supermodel and to go to the gym.
A Heartbreaking Reality: You buy a yearlong gym pass and go every day for the first two weeks, never showing up again.

The Inner Ringmaster Says: After working out routinely for a month, I’m going to get a six pack like Victoria’s Secret supermodel Izabel Goulart and a butt like Shakira.
A Heartbreaking Reality: Depending on your body type, it takes months and years of training and eating healthily to achieve common body ideals. So if you don’t get abs in two weeks or your baby quads start showing up six months later, you find yourself curling up on the bed in an existential crisis wondering what’s the point of it all (ok, minor exaggeration!).

The Inner Ringmaster Says: Once you achieve my dream body, I’ll be happy.
A Heartbreaking Reality: Even if I achieve my dream body, I won’t be happy until I’m truly happy inside.

From Frenemies to BFFs (Sort Of)

Ok, who is this inner ringmaster? This inner ringmaster tell you things that make you feel bad about yourself, activities that are unrealistic, and makes you not want to exercise. Does she have a name? What does she look like? My inner ringmaster’s name is Elena, a brunette who dresses like Lady Gaga and always keeps manicured crimson nails and cherry red lipstick. She looks like she’s out of a music video.

Elena tells me I’m not good enough and keeps on berating my routine. Physically, she looks like #goals, but she’s living in a different reality – the figment of my imagination.

I’ve learned to love ringmaster Elena, but I don’t always agree with her. I just smile at her, tell her thanks for the concern and that she looks great, and continue doing my thing.

When I look in the mirror, I tell myself this: I’m *already* beautiful and amazing as I am.

Eff these sky-high expectations! They set us up for failure before we even hit the treadmill.


Lighting that Fitness Fire

If you want to embrace a fit lifestyle and the external benefits that come along with it, you gotta find that spark.

You know that you’re in the right direction when you wake up and say to yourself, “WOW, I can’t wait to do this today” and not “OMG noooo, where is my pillow and Mr. Whiskers?!”

Reality #1: It will be a lot harder to keep to any kind of routine if you find it a chore.
Reality #2: This chore will be even harder to achieve when you’re first starting out.

Don’t worrying about getting it completely right the first time around. You can always tweak the schedule to better fit in your daily life and update it when you’ve outgrown it in some way. Because yes girl, you’re gonna get stronger and see some amazing changes!

Ok, enough chatter. Here’s a special journal I’ve made because I <3 you all. Let’s get started!

The Tough Love 14 Day Workout Routine Journal


Access it whenever you want.
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A Chat with my Inner Ringmaster

What is my inner ringmaster like?
Ex. She has snakes in her hair, like Medusa and eats greasy French fries while still retaining a six pack. She knows this and cackles in an evil voice when she sees me.

What is this inner ringmaster telling me to do?
Ex. Wake up at 5am every morning and do spinning for 2 hours. No rest days for the next year. Eat only salads.

What will you tell your inner ringmaster about this workout routine?
Ex. Thanks biatch, but I’m awesome and I’m also not interested in your plan.

Name Your Supporters

Who are your top 3 biggest supporters? These are people who keep you accountable and always have your back, or simply friends would totally join you to workout.

Person 1:
Person 2:
Person 3:

Go Back in Time

What are some physical exercises that you have done in the past that you really enjoyed doing?
Ex. When I was a little girl, I enjoyed monkey bars and jump rope. It always made me smile. Nowadays, I get super happy just walking along the beach, playing fetch with Fido, hiking, jogging in the park, and rock climbing. And let’s leave sex out of it (Stay focused – we’re trying to set up a workout routine, girl!)

What’s something you’ve always wanted to try and never got the courage to doing?
Ex. Pole dancing, Zumba, joining a running club or learning how to use those machines at the gym.

What is your favorite workout environment?
Try to close your eyes and visualized where you really had fun exercising. Do you find yourself more motivated at the gym or a yoga studio? Or do you prefer something outdoors like the park or the beach.

Take a look at the activities you’ve mentioned in each question. Choose the top 3 activities that brings you the most inspiration and that you can incorporate in your brand new workout routine. Then choose the category that best fits this form of exercise.

Activity 1 ex. Salsa
Category: Dance

Activity 2

Activity 3

You now have an idea of what kinds of workout styles would be the best for you as you’re starting out. Circle your favorites, highlight them or decorate them with glitter!

Set Your 14 Day Fun Fitness Routine (It’s only 2 weeks!)

What was the last time you exercised and how active were you?
Ex. Three months ago, I was jogging once a week for about two months.

How much time do you have per day to spare for these workouts?
In other words, what is your current schedule like? Ex. 1 hour in the morning, 30 minutes every Tuesday afternoon, etc.

Looking at Questions 8, 9 and 10, designate your fitness days for the next two weeks and what type of activities they are. Share this with your supporters to help keep you on track!

Note: The goal is not to duplicate the intensity from the routine you last left off with. If you’ve been out of routine for a while, reduce the number of workout days. You’re looking to be realistic, so circle back to Question 2 if you hear more inner chatter from your Inner/Outer Ringmaster.

Week 1

Workout 1
Day of Week

Workout 2
Day of Week

Workout 3
Day of Week

Week 2

Workout 4
Day of Week

Workout 5
Day of Week

Workout 6
Day of Week

You got this, girl!

Now that you have an idea of what to do in the next two weeks, it’s time to start working out again! Look up a fitness center that offers a group class you enjoyed or invite a friend to hike with you on the weekend.

The goal here is to feel that joy of just getting fit and moving around. Remember to choose activities that bring that spark inside you. I know you know what they are and that you’re a step closer to getting into a great fitness routine!

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Instagram @ aloha_jillian